Weather-boarded cottages were at one time a common sight in the Chingford area.
Carbis Cottage is now one of the last surviving weather-boarded cottages in Chingford. Weather-boarding dates from the Regency period (late 18th century/early 19th century) and the idea probably came from the new land of America where large mansions were being built entirely of wood and then covered over with white painted boarding to make them look like stone, the most prestigious building material.
According to the study by Christine Moss the building has oak beams that date back to the reign of Elizabeth I and low ceilings. In recent times it has been restored.
Carbis Cottage was once the home of oil and watercolour painter Thomas Kennedy (1900 – 1982), who made a successful living by his brush from the age of 16.
Kennedy was originally born in Leyton in 1900 but moved to Chingford later in his life. HM Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, bought Kennedy’s work, which is in many private collections in Britain and abroad. His famous art piece ‘On the River Roding’ is on display and available to view at the Epping Forest District Museum.