Welcome to the Chingford Historical Society
Join us to discover more about the history of Chingford and surrounding areas…
North Chingford Freedom Walk Heritage Trail
Chingford Historical Society held the North Chingford Freedom Walk on 24th June 2023 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of HMT Empire Windrush's arrival at the Port of Tilbury in 1948 and the birth of the UK's modern multiracial society. Centred at the Chingford Station Community Hub, it also included freedom walks along the North Chingford Heritage Trail with Peter Ashan.
Peter is a local Author, Educator and Historian who was born and grew up in Waltham Forest.
The Freedom Walk explores the area's Black community and presents an alternative history of North Chingford from centuries past through to the present day.
Click here to read more.

Discover more about the history of Chingford and surrounding areas…
- Carry out research with help from members
- Each month from January to July and September to December we have a different guest speaker (free admission to members).
- Summer Visits
- Newsletter
- See Events Page for more details
If you have any photographs or documents, or memories of old Chingford that you think might be of interest to us, please contact Gary Stone in the first instance on
We are also on Facebook, Twitter and instagram. Click on icons below.
COMMITTEE - Our current committee members are: - Honorary President - Peter Uglow, Chairman - Gary Stone, Vice-Chairman - Joanna Moncrieff, Treasurer - Simon Goulter, Secretary - Lawrie Curtis, Membership Secretary - Frances Pick,
Alison Goulter, David Boote, Stephen Pick, Alan White & Patrick Smith.
Our AGM minutes for 2023 are available to view on PDF HERE.

CHS are pleased to announce that we have a full programme of talks and events for 2025. Visit our Calendar of Events page HERE.
Download our talks and events list for 2025 HERE.
We now have our new home at the Chingford Station Community Hub thanks to the Lottery Heritage Fund and aim to open for members and visitors in the coming year for exhibitions, research and a friendly chat about all thing history & heritage.
NEXT TALK/EVENT - THURSDAY 13th February 2025 at 7.30pm – The Market and the Monastery
Just outside the medieval City walls, over the centuries Smithfield has been a place of religion, trade, healing, entertainment and sport - but it also had its dark side, as a place of public execution.
Join City of London Guide & Lecturer Jill Finch on a virtual stroll around Smithfield’s highways and byways.
A Talk by Jill Finch
This talk will be held via zoom and in person at our usual location at C of E Primary School, Cambridge Road, Chingford E4 7BP.
Online tickets available via Eventbrite here .
FREE to members & non-members £3 via eventbrite.
Our 2025 talks leaflet can be downloaded HERE.

The North Chingford Heritage Trail is a great way of seeing North Chingfords history and heritage on foot. On the trail, imagine you are stepping out into a bustling town centre of the 1800s. This historic town has been around for almost 1,000 years and covers the whole area you can see on this map, and beyond!
Times may have changed since the 1800s, but many of the Victorian and Edwardian buildings still stand.
Explore North Chingford to see the remains of historic town buildings, and discover what life was
like for locals all those years ago.
Trail Booklet & map available at Chingford Station Hub (by the front door). Download the map HERE.

For the first time in over 15 years, Chingford has a new limited edition history calendar for 2025. It features 12, hand picked photos from our archives of various scene in chingford from the turn of the 20th century.
The size is double A4 with a large area on the calendar for notes and appointment reminders.
Out now for £10 and collection available from our CHS office at Chingford Station Community Hub by prior arranged times only.
Simply email: [email protected] with your details and we will arrange payment & collection times.